Serie de euro BU FDC Vaticano 2011
Euro set BU FDC
Malta 2014
Contains the coins from 1 cent to 2 euro 2014
+ the 2 euro commemorative 2014 “Independency”
+ a reproduction of an ancient coin
Important remark:
The 2 euro commemorative which is in this BU set, cointains a mintmark. The coins which will be in rolls (UNC) and the coins in the BE set will not have this mintmark. So this 2 euro commemorative will only be in this BU set.
Free shipping
Serie de euro BU FDC Vaticano 2011
Serie de euro BU FDC Vaticano 2009
Serie de euro BU FDC Vaticano 2013
Serie de euro BU FDC Vaticano 2014